For years I suffered through migraine headaches... Still not totally sure why I had them... maybe the fact that my mother, my great grandmother (They just called them sick headaches back then. My mother remembers Mamma Mattie going to bed with a wet cloth on her head asking that no one open the door or turn on the light. I can relate!), and at least one of my daughters has them.
We believe that mine were somewhat hormone related... I say stress induced! :)
Funny, they never came at a "good" time. You know, like when we had nothing planned for the weekend, no big events, no company coming or places to be.
One of those frustrating times came when we headed to a much anticipated canoe trip with the girls and a group of friends. We had all our gear, lunch was packed, life jackets were in tow. I felt a little strange, but was sure it was be fine once we got started. Our first disappointment came as we arrived at our "put in" spot, and because of some recent torrential rains, the water was too high to begin. The decision was made to wait until the afternoon. Since it was a beautiful sunny day, we would eat lunch there, and then try a later time hoping for a successful entry into the water.
We had barely sat down to eat when the migraine engulfed me. Sadly the girls knew this routine much too well. They quickly gathered our belongings as Frank guided me to the car. You see, when a migraine hits, light is the absolute worst enemy. I was not a "pretty" migraine sufferer.... I immediately became violently ill and could NOT open my eyes at all. I counted on Frank to get me to the car - that day we were in the midst of a jagged rock area, and I was, as you can imagine, extremely unsteady. He got me to car and sped home. At that time the best medicine available to me was in an injection form, so Frank quickly progressed from my guide and driver to my "shot" giver. Thankfully my medicine would kick in within a few hours, and then I would begin the recovery process.
I COULD not have walked alone; how thankful I am for Frank and his promise to always walk beside me. He has been faithful to that promise for over 30 years.
When I felt God urging me to "blog", the dilemma of the blog NAME was challenging. How do you begin to convey what you want people to know in such a short form. My family joined the hunt for just the right title. Hebrews 11 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Some call it the Bible's Hall of Fame. The writer begins the chapter with the reminder of that oft quoted verse, "Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." It goes on to list so many of the heroes of the faith. Each introduction beginning with... By faith, "person's name", did something. I've often wondered if God allowed my name to be there, what possibly would said about my faith in God, and how I trusted HIM. OH, my friends, can you imagine!!! We will explore that a bit next week.
In the meantime, for those of you in the greater Louisville area, would you consider joining me and some other ladies at Simpsonville Baptist Church for a time of study about what it means to Walk By Faith. We will follow Jennifer Rothschild in her Bible Study by that name... Walking by Faith: Lessons Learned in the Dark. You see, Jennifer is legally blind and has been since age 16.
We will begin on Monday, September 15, 2014 at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall of the church. We will meet for 7 weeks each Monday. Please join us!!! We would love to have a book waiting for you when you arrive, so please let me know via email, phone, or even through facebook... gotta love technology!!
Oh, and by the way... my blog's name... BYFAITHANDCOFFEE truly is how I walk each day by the tender grace of our God!!!!!
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