Then the angel of God who was going before the host of Israel moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them, coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. And there was the cloud and the darkness. And it lit up the night without one coming near the other all night. (Exodus 14:19-20 ESV)
The angel of God who had been leading them moved behind them to protect them. Morgan noted that the Lord is both a guide and a guard for His children.
We did get out just a bit on Black Friday... there was quite a crowd. I have to say... I wasn't exactly envisioning God's Enveloping presence around me. I was seeing the crowd closing in on me several times...
Go with me just a minute - what if... we tried that... just for the month of December. Wherever we are, whoever we are with, whatever happens... in the midst of it - to imagine God's Enveloping presence. So, when you walk into the Mall or any store, your thoughts, your actions, your reactions would be determined by God's enveloping presence - His thoughts... His perspective.
So, let's get practical...
When you walk into the grocery store, look for someone to encourage. Better than that, ask God to show you someone to encourage.
When you make a phone call that might be hard, ask God to direct your conversation.
When you drive down the road, ask God to remind you of someone who needs your prayers.
When you walk into your job, ask God to give you purpose not only in your work, but with your coworkers.
When you rush into the store for that one more thing, ask God to slow you down enough to really see those around you.
Your presence in our lives is a gift that we can share so readily. Give us this week, this month... an awareness of Your presence enveloping us so that we "act like people of the Light and make our light shine..." (Ephesians 5:8-9), and that someone else's day may be just a little bit brighter.