Frank and I had been married just over 2 years; our first daughter, Katie was ten days old. It was my birthday - I was 24.
My mom was still staying with us, helping teach some basic "how to take care of a baby" techniques. You know, the really heavy-duty stuff like... how to change a diaper, how to give a baby a bath, how to swaddle that baby, how to burp a baby...
We didn't know much, but we sure knew we loved that baby girl! So, as you can imagine, all our time and energy was focused on her as it should have been. My mother (still the wisest person I have ever known) strongly encouraged us to plan to take advantage of her time with us and go out to dinner... just dinner - an hour and half out of the house.
Frank came home that evening from work, and while I was still upstairs, he created his little surprise for me. My mom watched with excitement as I entered the room.... There were eight beautifully wrapped boxes on the table - the largest box on the bottom, with each additional box strategically placed so that they created a stair-step Christmas... no birthday mountain. The top box was a 2 x 2 square box - all had perfectly tied ribbon and bows.
My mom already thought the world of Frank, so she was overwhelmingly impressed with his diligence. defines lavish as, "to expend or give in great amounts or without limit." or "to bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities upon."
That's how my mom would define how tenderly Frank loved and cared for me. And he does.
Now, I have to tell you the truth here, (just so you know, Frank didn't share this tidbit of information with my mom or me for months) Frank had visited a local boutique. His plan was simple. He surveyed each mannequin in the window, found the first sales attendant and said, "I want everything "she" has on in a size 8.. Yes, the shoes, the belt, the jewelry, everything! And could you wrap it all up... in separate boxes... with pretty bows??" 😊 I have been called his wife for 33 years now; he has loved me so well, and I am so thankful.
My thoughtful gift of eight stacked, beautifully wrapped packages and many other thoughtful gifts and sacrifices over the past 33 years are so appreciated. And Frank has lavished love on me with as much passion and thoughtfulness as possible... but not without limit. As kind as he is, he doesn't have it in him - there are limits: we are limited...
but, oh sweet friends, we serve a God who has no limit... in power, in love, in grace...
He simply loves us... loved us enough to send His son as the sacrifice for my sin,... your sin...
How can we NOT be overwhelmingly thankful every single day for the promise of His love and the truth of eternity with HIM!! Can you even fathom HIS love? He grants us the privilege of reading His words of love... literally at our fingertips. Open this letter of lavished love. Trust HIS word... Trust HIS love for you.
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! I John 3:1