
Write It Down... in 2017.

I've written before about my "priceless" love letter written by my Frank.  He had interviewed with a company in South Carolina and was offered his first real job after finishing college.  He had called me from a pay phone (Yes, you had to put money in the machine, then dial... then continue to put more money in... especially when calling long distance.  Long distance meant the person you were calling was in a different area code that the one you were calling from - it cost more. 😃)  I am feeling especially aged right now.

So, after celebrating the fact that Frank getting the job meant that we would set our wedding date immediately, I called my pastor.  August 25 (1984) was the only Saturday he had left that summer... so we snagged it!  Frank boarded the plane to head home and realized he had no paper on which to write to me.  So, he improvised and used the only available option... the vomit bag in the back of the seat in front of him.  To me, the bag is still priceless.

I love to write... so it is easy for me say... just write it down.  It has become a tradition for me during the last week of the year, to look back over my journal and remember through those entries.  Now, maybe it is my menopausal brain, but even from January, I am amazed (or disturbed 👵) at what I don't remember.  Events that took place, conversations that were had, concerns about those events and those people involved in the conversations...

Prayers offered...
scriptures recorded...
joys recounted...
tears remembered...
people loved...
unexpected path walked...
decisions made...
fears realized...
questions answered...
questions unanswered...
life lived...

And the thread running constant - God's grace, God's comfort, God's presence...

The Bible gives life-giving examples of... write it down.

In Exodus 34, God instructed Moses to write down the words the Lord spoke of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.

In Deuteronomy 6, the Israelites were commanded to write the words of 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all our soul and with all your might' on their doorposts and their gates.

In Proverbs 3, we are encouraged to write love and faithfulness on the tablet of our heart...

Many of the prophets were told to write down what had already happened and what would happen (prophesy).

So often the writing was encouraged so that the people (present and future) would remember.... Remember the provision of God, the plan of God, the purpose of God, the character of God, the faithfulness of God, the sovereignty of God.

Can I challenge you to join me in writing this year?  One very tangible way is to join in with several thousand women to write down and memorize 2 scripture verses a month in the year 2017.  That is 24 verses - writing them down gives us a goal and an automatic accountability.  (I will be writing my verses here as well.)  Living Proof Ministries (Beth Moore) offers a great way to write it down using a Facebook link.  You can read about it by clicking the link below - a small spiral notebook works well, too.

If you've never used a journal before, just give it a try.  Don't put a ton of restrictions/rules on yourself, just let it be a place you start.  Mornings are best for me, just because it starts my day off - use your Bible, a devotional book (if desired).  Keep it simple - write down a verse or two... and simple begin:
Dear Father,
You are... (love, grace, faithful, peace...)
I'm sorry... (I sinned - He already knows... just tell Him.)
Thank you... (for everything, for specifics, for people, for salvation)
Help... (today, with whatever I know is coming... and with whatever I don't.)


So, here we go.... pick up your pen... join me.

Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.  Psalm 119:11 

1 comment

  1. I'm in. I have enjoyed writing, sometimes just to write. I love Bible verses and this is one challenge I believe I can accomplish. Thanks for the push. I'm in. Love, Jill
