I love a good plan, don't you? I am a list maker, how about you? I am NOT often a list 'finisher' or an effective organizer. Confession is good for the soul, right??
Making a plan is crucial to setting/achieving goals, and to accomplishing needed expectations. If you have spent much time with any teacher, you know that the sometimes dreaded lesson plans for the coming week are intended to be both a guide and a help. (Although I must confess many a late Sunday night panic occurs for a few teachers I know in completing that task!?) In many education circles,the term "backward planning" has become a key buzz word. Look at the end of the year - what is needed to accomplish those year-end goals and then fill in the blanks with the aligned ideas, activities and lessons to "end" there...to end well with the meeting of set goals!
In life... and in school, I have often found myself planning from now... from today with the plans I need/want to move forward. Making a good list of the needed or desired plan, then bringing that list to the Lord for His stamp of approval on MY very well-intended and well-thought out plan. Jeremiah 29:11 is an often quoted verse regarding plans... Jeremiah was a prophet and his words here are hopeful, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares, the Lord, plans to proper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Keep in mind these exiles (in Babylon at this time) were in a difficult situation - it didn't look or feel hopeful. Jeremiah went on the remind them in verse 13 that..."you will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart."
Backward planning for us, as believers, is simple. Our ultimate goal when we meet Jesus is to hear Him gently whisper, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Those were the words of Jesus as He shared the parable of the three who had been given different amounts of talents to tend to by the Master. The two servants that had used their talents well were rewarded with those words from Jesus and were then given more because of their faithfulness.
His plan for us is good... is best. Last week I shared several verses about meeting with the Lord, and one of those verses has followed me through this week. (Psalm 5:3 NASB)
In the morning, Lord, You will heard my voice.
In the morning I will order my prayer to You and
eagerly watch.
I am a really good "prayer list maker"... and a reasonably good "prayer list pray-er". You know what I mean, I bring them to the Lord... He hears my voice... ordering my prayers..
My challenge sometimes comes in the eagerly watching part... expectantly listening... watching and waiting....
Sarah Young (from Jesus Calling) says of this verse, "Pray about everything; then leave outcomes up to ME. Do not fear... for through it I accomplish what is best for you."
Step away from the list.... not asking for the stamp.... just watch with me... He promises it to be more beautiful than any fireworks display!!
Great Post. Thank you, Jill