
Pain, Pain, Go Away... and what do you do when it doesn't?

Well, friends, that question has plagued my mind for several years now.  Honestly, it is not in a poor pitiful "us" way, just in a true question of what do we do if/when pain does not subside.

We've been at this pain game for more than 10 years now... One fifth of Frank's life; one third of our married life.  Depending on which of our children you choose to identify, this reality ranges from way more than half the life of one, just under a half for another, and so on and so on.

So I guess you could say, we are not amateur pain dwellers.  For those of you who don't know, Frank began experiencing unexplained lower back pain late in 2003. The explanation came in March, 2004 - Between 2 vertebrae L5-S1 (that's where the spinal column meets the tailbone... for you medical whizzes like me!), the needed disc had disappeared... not an amazing magic trick that would impress the crowd.  We all need that very important disc for cushion, for movement, for protection, for a painless life - at least a painless lower back life.

And so began our journey to "fix" and alleviate his pain.  The journey began with prayer and surgery, the journey was bathed in prayer by others and more surgery, and the journey continues with much prayer and pain management options.  Prayer began for answers, prayer continued for relief, moving eventually to prayer for acceptance for circumstances... not giving up, not giving in, not quitting... Paul, contentment in all circumstances.

We have been there a few days... we have stayed there a few days... so as we look to another bump in this pain road, with an upcoming surgery to replace Frank's broken pain pump, we are thankful...

Thankful for family that loves constantly, that supports with immediate response,  and that laughs out loud and cries out loud...

Thankful for seasoned friends who have walked this road with us faithfully from the very beginning, praying and caring for us all the way.

Thankful for new friends who listen graciously to the very long story... with thoughtful understanding.

Thankful for our God who loves beyond our understanding, who knows every pain  - both physical and emotional... and who sent HIS only Son just for us... painful or painfree.

Thanks be to God... with Paul as he wrote to Timothy...  I am thankful for you!

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. 
Ask God to help them; 
intercede on their behalf, 
and give thanks for them.

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